Here at NLDC we believe in keeping our core values in tact.
God is love. 1 John 4:1-8 teaches us that everything must begin with HIM. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8
In Matthew 25:35-40. Jesus teaches us that we have to meet people at their point of needs; where they physically, mentally, relationally, and emotionally. Colossians 3:23-24
James teaches us that the church is responsible for caring for those who are weak, helpless, those without a voice and those who are deemed powerless. If the church does not look out for marginalized, the desolate, the hurting, the oppressed, the powerless and voiceless, who will? This is our responsibility.
Matthew 28:18-20 tells us how we should take an interest and get invested into each other’s lives practicing and teaching everything Jesus taught his disciples.
Our Mission
Our purpose is to present Jesus to the world by the way we live, our relationship, our service, our worship and through God’s word. To empower those who are powerless and give voice to those who have been silenced by society, culture and oppressive systems. To nurture, cultivate and inspire our youth to become all that God has called them to be, by encouraging them to fulfill their dreams. To strengthen our families and our communities by creating space to train men, women, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, boys and girls on how to live as Christians.
[Our Vision]
“Dedicated to Educate, Encourage, and Edify people through the LOVE OF GOD”

Our ministry is to serve God through serving people. This is not only service “to”, but also service “with” those are in need. Ministry with people allows both those receiving help and those administering help to be bless. I believe we all have something to give each other. Even the homeless person who needs a meal has something to give and share. Whether it is an interesting conversation, their time, or advice, they can be a blessing to others.
When we a church minister “with” people, we include them. No one knows what a person in need requires more than that person. When we stop trying to guess what community needs and start instead to partner with the community, we will discover what resources and strengths already exist. We will also be able to identify what areas can be improved upon. Once we do this, we will begin to change lives like never before! The reality us when the church, through the Holy Spirit, believes in and empowers the people in the community.
God moved my heart on that mission trip in 2014, in such a way that I have vowed to help those in need whenever the opportunity arises. When I am reminded of the people and their heart for God, I am energized to do the work of God, which is serving Him through serving others. I am excited about ministry work at NEW LIFE DELIVERANCE CHURCH because I realize there are many potential lives waiting to be changed. The more lives affected inside the church will correlate to more lives being affected outside the church. When we are spreading God’s love through ministry , we can start a chain reaction that changes our families, our communities, our cities, our states, our nations, and our world. This is my plan for NEW LIFE DELIVERANCE CHURCH.